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About Us

LightTech was created to help in developing new devices to help the world. Our intention is to explore some of the more obscure, overlooked, forgotten, or otherwise generally unknown technologies, systems, and devices. That can have very promising results in the modern day if researched and developed.

Our Mission


The goal of LightTech is, essentially, to terraform the Earth into a place where mankind can live in peace with nature. Or at least in a more independent, decentralized world. Where our infrastructure is self-sustainable, and doesn't require extensive supply lines in order to continue operating.

Our Method


The best way we can go about doing this: Is to Research and Develop technologies and devices that are appropriate to the majority of the population on this Earth.


We place a high emphasis on empowering the layperson. And attempt to circumvent the use of any proprietary or sophisticated methods, devices, systems, tools, etc. As these will likely limit the availability of what we develop to the general public, and hinder any gains that would otherwise be experienced from information sharing with other researchers and developers.


Our Means


In order to do this: We plan on producing these technologies with accessible and affordable parts and tools that can be found, or at least  substituted with the local equivalent of that part or tool, anywhere in the world.


This makes it easier for others to replicate, use, improve, and re-give these devices to to others.

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