Welcome to LightTech's Homepage!
Where technologies are created to help the Developing World and improve the Industrialized World.
Some projects are based on technologies from days of antiquity, and others from the modern day. Either way, they are intentionally made to be as accessible to the majority of the population of the world as much as possible.
What's New -
New Hydrautomat GIF Uploaded
A New GIF Animation for the Hydrautomat has been created. Check out the 'Hydrautomat' Page under Projects for the GIF.
Interesting Links to Look At
Here are some other links that serve as the basis for more investigation, research, and experimentation:
Balloon Oscillator
Pulser Pump
See-Saw Pump
Torricellis Oscillator
How To Make Your Own Hydrautomat Series Finished!!!
December 18, 2013
The 'How to make your own Hydrautomat' series of videos has finally been finished.
This series explains how to build your own Hydrautomat from easy to acqurie parts. The series walks you through the steps of making the Hydrautomat and gives helpful tips as well.